Saturday, May 28, 2011

Churches advertising segregation - update

A few weeks ago I wrote about Smithville, MS, which was devastated when a tornado roared through this tiny town.  The town's official website had this "helpful" directory :

Smithville Area Churches
White ChurchesAfrican American Churches
Smithville Baptist Church
60023 Monroe St.
P. O. Box 52
Smithville, MS 38870
Pastor - Bro. Wes White
New Macedonia Baptist Ch.60017 Four Mile Road N.
Smithville, MS 38870
Pastor - TBA

An anonymous reader left the following comment after that blog post:

"My family is from Smithville and I lived there for a few years then happily left for good. When I called a family member to tell them about what I saw on the website they denied it because it had been changed by then. I'm glad to have your screen capture. This type of thing is so ingrained into the culture that they don't realise how offensive it is. Maybe it is a lesson learned for them. Sadly, I suspect it is not."

I'm very happy to note that the website has been changed and it no longer lists "White Churches" and "African American Churches."  It might have been a nice touch to randomly sort the churches instead of leaving them in what was formerly the "White" and the "African American" columns, but this is a start.  Let's pray that as the town recovers from the devastation the tornado caused, God will bring healing to the Body of Christ for those still wallowing in the sin of racism. 

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