Sen. Marco Rubio might be rethinking his endorsement of Mitt Romney about now. Yesterday, Rubio posted a couple items to his Facebook page, which had nothing whatsoever to do with Romney. The first was a video explaining the importance of repealing Obamacare. It was posted around 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. At first the comments were about Obamacare and the thread was a veritable Rubio love-fest:
Barbara Bannon DeNapoli Hobbs Keeping up the good work for your State of Florida and for the Citizens of the USA. We appreciate all that you have done, are doing, and will do in the future. Bless you Marco Rubio.
Wednesday at 19:36 · ·2
Jose Heinsen Future American President right there, mark my words....Wednesday at 19:43 ·
Alison Fleming Mr Vice President!! And in 8 years Mr President - I can only hope, pray, wish!!!
Wednesday at 21:35 · ·2
Then, suddenly, during Hannity's show, as Rubio is making his announcement to endorse Romney, the tone changed. No more VP talk:
Ruth Saldana Rohr Bought by the establishment Marco, huh? I thought you were bold and fresh. Lost respect for you. Latinas for Santorum!!
Wednesday at 21:47 · ·8
Ruth Saldana Rohr How much did RINO Romney pay you? What did he promise you?
Wednesday at 21:47 · ·12
Joe Butner Marco Rubio, You have damaged your brand by supporting a Democrat like Mitt Romney, who always seems to struggle to tell the truth. I thought you were smarter than this! I am extremely disappointed in you. You should have never endorsed Etch a Sketch. He can NOT beat Obama!
Wednesday at 22:01 · ·11
Chris Crosby Marco, you just committed political suicide right before out TEA Party eyes!!!
How you can profess that O'CommieCare must be repealed, then endorse the GodFather of it [DNS's words, not mine] is beyond my comprehension... Very, very disappointed in you...
Wednesday at 22:02 · ·15
Karen Sanders Bill Clinton is more conservative than Mitt Romney. What the heck are you thinking?Wednesday at 22:10 · ·10
The thread weighed in at 248 comments, most of them complaining about Rubio's decisions to endorse Romney. Then on Thursday, Rubio posted a message in support of Ohio senate candidate, Josh Mandel:
Marco Rubio Just 2 days left and we have reached 58% of goal! Support Reclaim America PAC in its efforts to raise $20,000 to help elect Josh Mandel to the United States Senate.
Unfortunately for Mandel, this message was lost in the 161 comments, almost of all of them expressing anger, disappointment, and rage at the endorsement. The most commonly used words were RINO, establishment, disappointed, and money.
I removed a few of the comments that were either off topic or used "salty" language, but pasted most of them below. Notice how few of them support this endorsement (you can also count the 'likes'). Many of them make reference to the Tea Party and express their sense of betrayal that their guy could do something like this. More than a few think there is money involved.
Whatever you think about this endorsement, I think we can all agree with the comment above that said Rubio has damaged his "brand" with this move. For all his lofty, Reaganesque speeches, the curtain has now been pulled back and we see that the Wizard of Oz is really a politician, just like most of the rest of them.
On some level, at least to me, this disappointment is a little more profound because the Florida GOP and Charlie Christ played this same establishment extermination game against Rubio in 2010. He understands the game better than most and is willingly playing for the E-Team now.
History will tell if Rubio, the shrewd politician, risked too much with this endorsement. For the sake of the country, I hope his instincts are right this time. For now, his constituents and fans don't think so.
Adam Amick Sorry, Senator, but your endorsement of Mitt Romney leads me to believe that you/your PAC are not worthy of my money.
11 hours ago · ·12
Brennan Boyack Yeah Marco, I liked your page cuz I thought you supported liberty. Now I see you support Romney, sigh. *un-liked*
11 hours ago · ·1
Mary Snyder-Nava I was never a fan of boehner and my previous posts in 2010 show this. I called his office and asked if he was being blackmailed. Honestly, I think all of them are. On Alex Jones show, yesterday, if you can believe Robert (Bob) Fletcher, he bears out my suspicions. saying, in part, 'writing to your congressman is comedy' to them. i might agree as when the non establishment people were sent to the House, the establ. about had a cow. The newbies hadn't been 'compromised' yet and could not be controlled.
11 hours ago · ·3
Ruth Saldana Rohr Sorry, since you turned moderate/lib and turned your back on the base that elected you, you can't be trusted.
11 hours ago · ·8
Debbie Worthman Maritato Why not give him some of the money Mitt just gave you. This poor guy should walk away from your support, you just showed your true colors!
11 hours ago · ·5
Deborah Owings Googe Not a tremendous fan of Mitt myself, I want Obummer out of DC!
11 hours ago · ·4
Maria Mcginnis I dont live in Florida,but after picking Mitt,I would have to think twice,,Romney will not be able to debate Obama,,
11 hours ago · ·5
Brennan Boyack Deborah, YES!!! A wolf in wolfs clothing is easily protected against. A wolf in sheeps clothing is a lot more dangerous
11 hours ago · ·1
Andrew Coffield Disappointed by your presidential nod, but I still support Mandel. If anyone else does, go to to donate.
11 hours ago · ·1
Jack Bratton Jr I am severely disappointed in you Mr. Rubio. You are no friend of the Tea Party. Nominating Romney is a vote for Obama.
11 hours ago · ·11
Brennan Boyack I am planning on writing in Ron Paul....
I am also considering just voting Obama... since all the other neocon loons are a lot more scary then him.
11 hours ago · ·2
Maria Mcginnis You should have supported a better Pres,candidate,,Someone like Newt,he is smart an would have Obama sucking his finger during a debate!!
11 hours ago · ·4
Stephanie Brown Wow, people! He has a right to endorse a candidate! It does not change the great work he is doing! The ultimate goal is to defeat Obama! Get over yourselves and look to the greater goal! Can you actually say any of the nominees are the perfect candidate or who you wanted to be running? I can't. Senator Rubio sees that having this thing drag out to August is a bad thing for our party and our chances of defeating Obama. We can not afford another 4 years of obama executive ordering his way through with the opportunity to destroy this country for a lifetime by appointing 2-3 more supreme court justices. I will happily, Contribute, Senator. I also hope you are tapped for the VP nominee and I hope you accept!
11 hours ago · ·7
Judy Hensley Purkey You guys do not know what u r talking about. Marco is good for America NOBama is not wake up!!!
11 hours ago · ·2
Mike Kaiser Rubio, how can you sell us out by supporting that RINO Romney? A MA Republican is still a Democrat by most of the rest of the country. Santorum is the only one deserving the nomination and the seat in the White House!!
11 hours ago · ·6
Adam Amick This is REAL simple... You should wait and endorse the nominee the PEOPLE choose, rather than trying to sway opinion of your TEA Party supporters to back the Moderate/Liberal cum Conservative Romney.
After all... He either LIED to the people of Massachusetts to get elected in arguably the most liberal state in the country, or he's lying now... Either way, Mitt Romney is a LIAR!
11 hours ago · ·6
Chuck Reichmuth Reclaim America? Lets see...Rubio voted yes to extend the Patriot Act, voted yes for NDAA, co sponsored PIPA/SOPA, Voted yes for 30,000 US drones. The best way we can reclaim America is to get idiots like this out of office!!
11 hours ago · ·7
Debbie Worthman Maritato what happens now Mr. Rubio, the tea party was instrumental in getting you elected, you turned your back on them, who is going to help you in the next election, you better hope Romney offers you a job if he ends up winning, if not possibly there is something for you at Bain
11 hours ago · ·9
Theresa White Not if he shares your immigration views. Marco, you had me until you spouted your legalization views. NO WAY
11 hours ago · ·3
Jason Crisp I heard that bogus baloney you were spewing this morning about what a sharp contrast Romney is to Obama. What a crock.
11 hours ago · ·9
Eagle's Stare You are a sellout by endorsing BIG GOVERNMENT Romney. It looks like you made a deal with the devil by returning the endorsement he made for you. Don't forget you were elected into office by the tea party, and you just alienated your gravy train.
11 hours ago · ·9
Stephanie Brown Get real, Adam! Also, Romney does have a conservative record. He was able to balance the MA state budget with an 86% dem legislature w/out raising taxes! He understands the difference between states rights and fed rights... If ultra conservative Ann Coulter can not only come around and support Gov Romney, but also right all about the good things he has done, then I can too. He knows how to turn over a failing business - and YES that means shutting down departments and cutting costs! He is the right man at the right time. We can keep him on the right by sending reinforcements to the Senate so conservative bills get sent to the Presidents desk.
11 hours ago · ·1
James Mertens Thanks for endorsing Goldman Sachs.. Obvious where you stand. People will remember this. Hope you thought about it before doing so. If you are second guessing yourself, you should be.
11 hours ago · ·5
Ruth Saldana Rohr Good Job, Marco Rubio. You have united- Ron Paul's, Rick Santorum's, and Newt Gingrich's followers. ha ha
11 hours ago · ·2
Cleta Goerl Brookstein I'm deeply disappointed that you nominated Mitt Romney. I do not feel I can donate anything to you now.
11 hours ago · ·7
Pat Richesin Maria look at it this way, should Rubio be on the ticket with Romney, Obama can not debate him, Rubio will kick his butt, just like Palin did. And a Romney-Rubio ticket would be a winner, no matter what.
11 hours ago · ·3
Wendi Tanisha Crain GOOD JOB RUBIO. Nothing wrong with choosing who you think will do the best! Shame you are criticized for your freedom to choose and not be BULLIED by those who have diff OPINIONS! Can you come to CA... we need you LMAO
11 hours ago · ·4
Diana Downs What a bunch of cry babies. Rubio knows that we have to stop running against each other if we hope to defeat Obama. Anyone with half a brain knows that. Romney is the only one with a chance at the nomination now and the only one with a chance to win in November. Thank you Senator for putting country first.
10 hours ago · ·4
Kelly McKay Hey Rubio. I thought you were conservative. Then I year you came out for Romney. That doesn't sound conservative to me.
10 hours ago · ·10
Stephanie Brown Romney will be able to debate Obama... So much ignorance on this thread..
10 hours ago · ·4
Robert L. Bryant Wow, people sure are crazy these days. Look, I'm a Santorum supporter, and if Rubio thinks Romney is better for the job of POTUS, then he and I have a disagreement. You know what though? It's one of the very, very few things that we disagree on. Here's a news flash: no two people are going to agree on everything!
10 hours ago · ·2
Donna Mauney I am disappointed in your support of Romney too!! I could never donate or support you in any way after THAT endorsement! You just lost all conservative credentials IMO!
10 hours ago · ·2
Christopher L. Biagi Sr. Mitt Who? Marco Who? Tell you what ask your buddies Mitt or Obama for some cash... oh wait Obama won't have flexibility until after the election... But I bet Mitt greased your palms real good... I would not send any PAC affiliated with you a penny if my own life depended on it.
10 hours ago · ·4
Ruth Saldana Rohr Yes Oromney will be able to debate Obama, and when Mitt attacks Obamacare,.........
10 hours ago · ·1
Michael-Daphney Cordeiro Sorry Marco, you betrayed those of us who thought you were a real warrior for liberty. By endorsing Mitt and his Big government libreral ways, its obvious you wussed out so you could gain acceptance by the RHINOS of the Republican party. Being a warrior means to say things that are true, even if its hard.
10 hours ago · ·8
Karen Smith It seems to me that if people really want OBOOGER voted out, and Americans really want to take their country back... Wouldn't it make sense to drop your doubtful attitudes, because you're candidate is not at the top, and get behind the candidate that is? If we swallow our pride,and bite our tongues, can you imagine what message WE could send to OBOOGER?
10 hours ago · ·2
Karen Lindsey Now Mr. Rubio you will learn what happens when you dont listen to the people and accept payoff money from Romney. How much did he pay you?
10 hours ago · ·1
Ryan Forkel As with many people here, I am so disappointed you chose to endorse Romney, Mr. Rubio. Why do people think that he has been so up and down in the polls? Because people are looking for someone besides Romney. Anybody but Romney...And if he does become the nominee (which I hope does not happen) and if he offers you VP, don't do it.
10 hours ago · ·3
Alan Russell Hope for a brokered convention. I can't believe that after the tea party rally's of 2009-10, the republicans did there best to not put up a Conservative. I don't know what I will do if there is not a brokered convention and a Conservative put up as the nominee. Ryan, DeMint, Several Governor's might do. If not, I don't think I will vote and just take the 4 more years of obama and the death of America...
10 hours ago ·
Jeff Eyssallenne Wow. The Ron Paul supporter with 30 Facebook accounts is busy today! Go Rubio! Go Romney!
10 hours ago · ·4
J Alex Hart Rubio can't do it on his own so he's sucking up to the money train. Rubio???? If you need 20,000 why isn't your buddy Romney stepping up? Ha, even he knows you are impotent and neutralized by selling out to the left every time you vote in chambers.
10 hours ago · ·2
Ginger Sides Springer When you sold us out to Romney, we learned you can't be trusted either! Just like the rest of them that we were counting on! You have all betrayed us!
10 hours ago · ·4
David Tolias When the debt bubble bursts,like Ron Paul has predicted and a depression sets in, these politicians who caused this mess are gonna catch hell. Rubio, get a real job.
10 hours ago · ·1
Jean-Michel Ormand lol, People are getting tired of wasting money on coocoos like Marco Rubio!
10 hours ago ·
Roy Wallen I loved Marco Rubio, but I question him seriously now, after a Conservative like him endorsed Romney over Santorum.
10 hours ago · ·1
Linda Womack Woods Forget what you have heard on TV about the the Republicans not liking who they have to choose from. I think we have alot of good canidates to choose from!! It is hard to support just one they all have good qualities. Romney will be great to get us all back to work. Jobs will improve all the other problems. If I can't have Newt, Romney is wonderful !!
10 hours ago ·
Roy Wallen I seriously lost respect for Rubio when I heard he backs Romney which is the same as Obama!
10 hours ago · ·5
Brian Huggins Just browsing through the comments here and It's sounding more and more like the complaints of whiny liberals (which is usually the case on facebook). Sack up guys. The point is to get obama out of office. You guys sound like a bunch of whining libs.
10 hours ago · ·2
Roy Wallen Linda, Do you're research! Romney was the CEO of a company in Kansas City, MO, and he completely bankrupted the company and the company completely went under, yet Romney wrapped all his wealth in overseas accounts and made out like a bandit!
10 hours ago · ·2
Thom Brasuell @ Stephanie Brown I am not sure where you get your information from, but Taxes increased in MA over $700 Million with Romney as Governor. Additionally he took over $500 million in federal tax dollars (from me and you) to start ORomneyCare! Senator Rubio, big mistake!
10 hours ago ·
Hyam Solomon The RINO's just wants to nominate anothe eunuch like McCain and Rubio is one of them .
10 hours ago · ·7
Kerrick White Thanks for supporting a RINO like Romney, after everything we went through and accomplished the last 3 years with the new awakening among conservatives. Sell out traitor! Just like the rest of the liars in Washington!
10 hours ago · ·6
Brian Huggins I find it hard to believe that so many of you complaining on this thread think its such a GREAT idea to do what Newt and Santorum have made clear is their plan which is to have it out on the convention floor 2 months before the big day... Let's get real folks.
10 hours ago ·
Denise Bussey Wendi shame on the elite establishment Republican leadership and media for shoving Romney down our throats. Trying to convenience us he is the only one. Taking down good people one by one during this primary race. Dirty underhanded lies all over the place and Mitt "Oh I don't have control over that.".... Well then you are not our leader thanks for exposing your self now as having poor leadership qualities. Rubio you have been like a Judas Iscariot. There is nothing I distain more than someone who says they are one thing but turn into the opposite once they have what they wanted from you. I hope you enjoy the vote I gave you it will be the last. How do you look yourself in the mirror? Shame Shame Shame. Those of you on here that referred to Ron Pauls people saying these negtive things you wish it was so. Rubio need to enjoy his benefits now. He won't be re elected.
10 hours ago · ·2
Richard S. Traegler Jr. Just another phony liar. Save the rhetoric and good luck going down in flames as Romney's VP. Florida is apparently full of BS artists and you are the king of all. Sad, sad sad.
10 hours ago · ·4
Robert L. Bryant Hey, conservatives, just because he supports Romney doesn't make Josh Mandel any less of a good candidate himself. Good grief. I'm embarrassed by those on here that call themselves conservative.
Politics have become ridiculous.
10 hours ago · ·2
Brian James Don't expect Rubio to back his constituents when making decisions, as we can see today he only follows the money.
Wonder how much Goldman Sachs paid him for that Romney endorsement.
9 hours ago · ·5
Eric Armetta Why did you endorse Mitt Romney? You were to be the new, fresh different guy. Not going with the estiblshed elite. I'm very sad.
9 hours ago · ·7
Stephanie Brown Eric - and who of the current candidates is "new" and "fresh." Get a grip!
9 hours ago · ·1
Ruth Saldana Rohr I'm so embarrassed that I was so impressed with you. Bold and Fresh my foot. You are an establishment RINO.
9 hours ago · ·7
Shawn Campbell Showed your true colors with your moderate mitt endorsement. I will not be supporting anymore of your endorsements or your next bandwaggonjumping campaign.
9 hours ago · ·8
Isabel Matos Marco, Im from Miami and I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR ROMNEY. I know you dont have "un pelo de bobo" but remember this: You got where you are based on your merits not on DC insiders. There is nothing wrong with political aspirations but you dont owe the Bushes anything! They need you more than you need them. Dont let ambition blind or make you forget that We-the-People are the the BOss. Not them. The future of the Republican Party is at stake. There is no appetite for any type of corruption. Give whatever they gave YOU back! THe GOP who has started a war v. us and the TEA PArty wil push back and watch you closely. If you associate yourself to the Progressive agenda (Jeb BUsh, Romney) it will tarnish your brand.
9 hours ago · ·8
Briana Sams Wow, am I disappointed in YOU Mr. Rubio! Mitt Romney shouldn't even be on a republican ticket but I truly thought you belonged there. WRONG! Nice fake job! I hope you don't plan on Tea Party support ever again. (I'm sure MoneyBagsMitt made up for that for now) Enjoy your day on TV while it lasts. Your days as a NON public servant are numbered fella.
9 hours ago · ·8
Jackie Lewis Melton ty rubio for endorsing mitt..santorum is big government,not a true conservative.mitt is the true conservative in the race !
9 hours ago ·
Michael McMillin ....and to think, I was seriously considering a donation after payday tomorrow.
9 hours ago · ·5
Ruth Saldana Rohr Michael mcmillin, please give your donation to Santorum. He needs it to fight RINO Rubio, and the rest of the GOP establishment trying to take our vote away from us. I'll be making another donation to Rick tomorrow.
9 hours ago · ·6
Steven Eddings I wIll not vote for anyone endorsed by have demonstrated a pIss poor judgment
9 hours ago · ·5
Janet Gilbert You all might want to wake up to the fact that the republican party has to win the Senate, keep the House and take the Oval office, or it WILL be over for conservatives of all degrees in this country and maybe around the world. Romney may not be your cup 'o tea, mine either, but I'll damn sure take him over obama. And if you choose to vote 3rd party< if Romney is indeed the rep. candidate, let me thank you ( tons of sarcasm) in advance for putting obama back in. And I fear it would not be for only 4 more.
8 hours ago · ·1
Briana Sams Santorum is ridiculous as is Mitt Romney. Want a true conservative with a proven track record Newt is the man with the proof and the ability. But I just figured out Rubio isn't interested in Conservative values. He proved that by backing a liberal that can't get elected.
8 hours ago ·
Kathy Kennedy O'Brien @Janet I will hold my nose and vote for Romney and I agree that Romney would be better than Obama, but just barely. I resent the fact that once more the GOP establishment has shoved another RINO down our throats like McCain. And we all know how well that worked last time. I share your fear that we would be stuck with Obama for more than 4 years. I think he would just appoint himself king for life. It's too bad that the spineless Republicans who are supposed to be representing (like Marco Rubio) us have sold us out.
8 hours ago ·
Gloria Donley Being a politician is a job so Rubio is just climbing up the ladder by endorsing Romney. What is so special about Rubio anyway?
8 hours ago · ·5
Kathy Kennedy O'Brien I was shocked and saddened to learn of your endorsement of Romney. You are a big disappointment Senator Rubio. I have been talking you up to all my friends and family and saying that you are the hope for the country's future. But you are just another RINO whose principals can be bought. Or maybe you had us all fooled and you never had any to begin with. I am done with you. Such a shame - you had so much potential.
8 hours ago · ·6
Camille Larsen Governor Romney is focused on restoring American greatness and making Barack Obama a one-term President. Senator Rubio, your endorsement is a major milestone in that effort. THANKS FOR STANDING WITH MITT!!!
8 hours ago ·
Steven Eddings @janet.... voting for the lesser of two evils has worked so well in the past right? I for one am tired of voting for the best of two douchenozzles...this time my conscience will be clear, ron paul or nothing
8 hours ago · ·2
Catherine Walker I vote according to my core convictions which I thought you shared. The GOP doesn't speak for me. Get the message: "We Don't Want Romney!" But, thank you for showing who you really will be good to know the next time I vote. a Floridian Conservative.
8 hours ago · ·9
Wendy Crisp Unliking your page for you supporting Mitt Romney the RINO. So disappointed in you.
8 hours ago · ·1
Connie Kanakanake Ledford I hope that Floridians remember all the "outsiders" who got elected for NOT being establishment and then endorsed the Boston RINO lib Romney. Remember them when they come up again for elections ... Rubio, Atwater, Bondi, etc ...
7 hours ago · ·7
Ellie Jean Bryan WIlliard Mitt Romney?? We do Not want or need a Moderate Liberal. You just ruined your self Marco Rubio.
7 hours ago · ·4
Corlana McCartney Can't believe you sold out to RINO Romney. What a waste. I'm "unliking" your page. Santorum 2012 Rick Santorum is a genuine conservative.
6 hours ago · ·4
Mitch Feldman I lost a lot of respect for you, if you are a true Conservative how could you endorse a liberal like Romney over Santorum.
6 hours ago · ·4
Julie Schwartz I've lost all respect for you. How could you turn your back on the Tea Party, which elected you? I bet you're hoping to be Mitt's VP, and that's why you endorsed him. Shame on you.
5 hours ago · ·2
Jeff Morgan Thanks, but I will NOT be supporting this. Maybe Josh is tremendous, but after that horrific Romney endorsement of yoursm all other endorsements are suspect.
5 hours ago · ·2
Joe Butner Yeah Marco, I wouldn't give you a dime my man! You should go ask your Sugar Daddy "Mittens" for an allowance.
4 hours ago · ·3
Francine Flood So disappointed in your endorsement of Romney! Rick is the one true conservative that can beat Obama! Santorum 2012!
4 hours ago · ·4
Charles Manning You're joking right? You endorsed the most liberal presidential candidate!
4 hours ago · ·2
Lynn Metzger I was so proud to see your speech at the SBA dinner a very good one too..and I had hoped you would endorse the people's choice (Rick Santorum) instead of the media choice (Romney)...Romney is not as well liked by the people and I"m sure you think you are helping...however, look at the voting map...go watch Rick Santorum campaign...I would LOVE to see you be his running mate...but alas, I am very, very disappointed in your choice of endorsement. I will be voting for Rick Santorum for many reasons...the one being he is a true conservative who lives out his conservative values and we the people trust him...he wins way more counties than Romney does in every state primary! I really hope you change your mind b/c many Santorum supporters are disappointed in your choice.
3 hours ago · ·3
Donna Corvino I am very, very disappointed in you on your endorsing Mitt!!! Are you crazy??? What ever happens to the People's choice & not the media choice??? I am guessing you would like to see ORomneycare shove down our throats too!!!! I hope wake up & see Rick Santorum is the best choice!!! Now I won't be supporting you for any of your re-election campaign!!! I WILL STILL BE VOTING FOR RICK SANTORUM ALL THE WAY!!! SANTORUM 2012!!
3 hours ago · ·2
Hyam Solomon to the extent Romney is capable of focus perhaps Camille . Not acceptable . Romney is always a half shaken etch a sketch . He is cluelessly naive and has the sincerity of McCain , the last RINO king . . Booo Marco .
3 hours ago ·
Briana Sams I sure don't know where you folks get off calling Santorum a conservative. He likes raising taxes as much as Mitt. The only true conservative (documented proof) in this race is Newt Gingrich. I'm still not over my shock and disappointment with Mr. Rubio. But I've seen a few people flip as well that really shocked me.
3 hours ago ·
Karla Jerry AndSons I saw you on TV a while back saying that you do not believe in Endorsements, that you think that the people need to make the choices, I thought, wow ,there is smart man. Now you come with this late endorsement???? Anyone endorsing at this point is just to please the establishment. The plan right now is to put pressure on the candidates so you can close the deal for Romney. If you had endorsed before the Florida vote, it would had been fine. Right now, you are just proving that you are more for the republican party than for the people.
3 hours ago · ·5
Shirley Ramsey So...why would he NOT support Mitt Romney...I know, when this all started "everyone" was more it turns out and the true stories come out, turns out Gov. Romney is the most conservative...and HONEST!!! Honesty and experience are great virtues, he has been highly successful at EVERY endeavor in his lifetime...It' time people got over whatever the heck bothers them about Romney (stupid stuff like "he doesn't connect", Rich, Mormon, etc. and look at his CREDENTIALS!!! Much better than the other two who have LIVED off their DC Cronies since QUITTING and Being VOTED OUT!! Take the time to actually READ about Romney...not just repeat what you "heard"!!
2 hours ago ·
Reyesmontiel Pedro Como esta Marco? espero que todo este bien, le deseo suerte en la justa que se aproxima. Yo por ahora estoy en Afghanistan sirviendo al pais, soy SGT en el army. Me da gusto que este apoyando a Josh mandel, yo lo he estado apoyando tambien. cuando fui de vacaciones aproveche para votar.
2 hours ago ·
Shirley Ramsey Oh, and By the Way...THANK YOU MARCO RUBIO....I know you don't take your endorsement lightly!!!!
2 hours ago ·
Jeff Dimmick So sorry to hear that you are endorsing the truly non-conservative candidate Mitt Romney. Many of us had hoped that you would take a stand against the GOP country club establishment and the main stream media's choice Mitt. You promised in the past not to become a part of the Washington "establishment", but by your endorsement you have compromised your principles. If Mitt does in fact become the GOP candidate you will watch a repeat of 2008 and wish that you had stood beside a true conservative instead!
2 hours ago ·
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